Bradford Pest Control of VA, Inc. Image

Outsmart the Pests: Bradford’s Foolproof Rodent Solutions

Bradford’s rodent control service offers a comprehensive approach to eliminate mice, rats, squirrels, and bats from your property. Following a detailed assessment that identifies entry points, nesting areas, and specific signs of rodent activity, we formulate a customized strategy that will efficiently address your specific rodent issues. Then, using a combination of trapping methods and targeted bait placement, we efficiently reduce rodent populations.

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Mice and Rats

Our comprehensive approach to mice and rat management combines advanced trapping techniques with strategic bait placement. We identify and seal entry points, denying rodents access to the property. We also provide ongoing monitoring and prevention strategies, including advice on proper food storage and sanitation practices, to ensure long-term rodent-free living.


Effective squirrel management can protect your property from these agile invaders. Our teams employ humane trapping and exclusion techniques, sealing entry points and installing one-way doors to remove squirrels safely. We also provide habitat modification advice to make your property less attractive to squirrels, ensuring long-term prevention.

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Our bat control service focuses on safe and legal removal of these protected species. After conducting a thorough inspection to identify roost sites and entry points, we utilize exclusion devices that allow bats to exit while preventing re-entry. We also offer cleanup services and implement preventative measures to seal potential future access points, ensuring your property remains bat-free.